Whole School Home Learning - Christmas Castle Design

Added on by Silver Birch.

Continuing with our Castle theme at Neston, all children are invited to take part in this year’s Hunter French Design a Christmas Castle competition.  There will be a superb first prize for the winning Christmas Castle design and all runners up will receive a book token for Corsham Book Shop.

The winner and runners’ up designs (1 winner and 17 runners up) will be transferred onto top quality duratrans paper and will be displayed for a two week period in the Hunter French Estate Agents windows in Corsham over Christmas.  The special duratrans paper means that the children’s designs will be back-lit and will be visible night and day!

All designs need to:

-          Be on white A3 paper ONLY (please use the paper provided with paper copy of this letter)

-          Ideally have the child’s first name and age showing clearly on the front of the paper (this will be displayed)

-          Have the child’s full name and class on the back of the paper - so we know who to give the prizes to (this will not be displayed)

-          Use bright and bold colours in your designs – these will stand out and look better lit up

-          We are looking to see the children’s wonderful work – Hunter French do all the judging and they have specifically requested that parents stay hands-off on the final design!

All Christmas Castle designs need to be handed in by Thursday 5th December.  You can bring along your home learning to the Bacon and Book Swap on 5th December or put it in the box in the glazed link before that.

Good luck!

Oak egg box collection

Added on by Oak.

Please help us to collect empty cardboard egg boxes with high rise centre dividers for our dragon models. Please bring any egg boxes to Oak classroom by Wednesday 4th December. Thank you for your help.

Chestnut Spellings Due 26.11.13 - Apologies

Added on by Chestnut.

In my attempt to be organised I prepped this post in half term but forgot to put it in the Chestnut category and tag home learning, so if you searched it wouldn't be visible - the only way you would have found it is by scrolling back through the blog. Therefore I have carried over last weeks to be due in next week rather than tomorrow

Spellings Set 12th Nov - Due 26th Nov

All three groups in one document


Added on by Chestnut.

Last week Rachel brought in her own presentation on Harry Potter which was a great way to share her learning. Harry has made his own broomstick at home and brought it into school to show us too. Also Megan brought in her own notes on Harry Potter and Quidditch the day before we wrote a non-fiction piece on the sport.

It is great to see such self-motivated learners


£600 of new books bought for the library

Added on by Silver Birch.

Thank you to everyone who bought a book at our recent Book Fair - I hope the children are all enjoying their books.  Please do encourage them to come and tell me about the books they are reading anytime in school - I could talk about books all day!

I had great pleasure yesterday ordering £500 worth of new books for the library yesterday and putting a further £100 worth of new books out on the shelves.  These books were all bought with the commission we earned on sales at the book fair.   We have purchased a range of books for the school across all age groups, reading abilities and interests.  Hopefully the books should be with us before Christmas and I will let you know when they arrive.  Very exciting...

Don't forget to put 5th December in your diaries for Bacon and Book Swap.  A letter with a reply slip will be coming your way nearer the time.

Happy Reading

Mrs Sheila Stansfield

We have built our reading turret!

Added on by Silver Birch.

Well done to Silver Birch! You have put in an amazing effort with your reading at home and you have filled all the bricks on our turret. The turret will go up in the cloakroom so everyone will be able to see your excellent effort. You can be very proud.

We will start a Viking related reading challenge next. So, don't forget to bring your reading records in for review every Wednesday.
