Please click on the image to go to the ParentPay page to login
Dinner Menu
If you would like a copy of the menu’s allergens, please contact the school office
School Meals
Midday meals, cooked in our school kitchen and served in the school hall, are available daily. The cooks provide a choice of main courses and ensures the children have a good balanced meal using fresh and chilled ingredients. We follow the recommended guidelines on nutrition at school as set out by the government.
Meals are ordered online, a minimum of 1 week in advance at a cost of £2.81, via the secure online service ParentPay.
Universal Infant Free School Meal
All children in KS1(Reception, Year 1 and Year 2) are now entitled to universal free school meals. This does not include school packed lunches. Please click here to see our explanatory letter.
Packed Lunches
Alternatively, children are able to bring a home packed lunch, which is eaten in the hall at the same time as school meals.
For safety and convenience, we ask that children bring their lunches in a named container and bring drinks in named, unbreakable containers.
All children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to school to eat after play time, in the morning.
For ideas on healthier snacks for children, please visit the NHS web page
School Packed Lunch
Chartwells, our food suppliers, also offer a choice of cold packed lunches, for our KS2 children, which can be ordered in the same way as school dinners.
Free School Meals
Did you know that if you register for free school meals then our school will be entitled to receive extra money to spend on a variety of services within the school? For more information please click through to the Wiltshire Council Website.
If you think you may be eligible on financial grounds for free school meals, please click through to the Wiltshire Council Website.
Chartwell’s Medical Diet Process
Chartwells are passionate that every student has the same opportunity to eat school meals regardless of their medical requirements, therefore medical diets are an extremely important part of our catering provisions. We define a medical diet as a requirement different to the choices offered on the main menu due to a food allergy or intolerance.
Chartwells have a dedicated medical diet team which supports all medical diet queries and requests whether it be alleviating parent concerns or creating medical diet menus for single or multiple allergens, a medical diet nutritionist will be available all year round to support our catering teams and our medical diet students enabling them to eat safely.
If your child has a food allergy, intolerance or medical diet need please contact the school office at