Academy Community Councillors

Between us, we shall do all we can to see that your child's time here is both rewarding and enjoyable. 

All of us involved in the running of the School (both Staff and Academy Community Councillors) are firmly committed to the principle that every child should have the opportunity of gaining the most from his or her time at school. To that end we actively encourage the closest involvement of parents with the school. 

This website hopes to give you a brief background to the school, but it cannot hope to do anything more than to give you a flavour of our approach and attitudes to the education of the children here. We do therefore encourage you to visit the school at work before your child is due to join us. We are always pleased to see you. 

Once your child starts, feel free to contact your child's class teacher (or the Head Teacher) if you have any worries or concerns, or if you are uncertain about anything which is happening at school. We are here to help. 

Gillian Pratt

Chair of Academy Community Councillors

The Academy Community Council has the overall responsibility for the effectiveness of the school, while the day to day running is the responsibility of the Head Teacher.

We are a supportive Academy Community Council, committed to improvement in all areas of the school.  We work closely with the Head Teacher and staff to develop the strategies necessary to achieve our aims and monitor progress.  Every Academy Community Councillor sits on at least 1 sub-committee.

The full Academy Community Council meets 4 times a year where all Academy Community Councillors are expected to attend.  The Curriculum Standards and School Improvement committee meets 3 times a year as does the Finance and Premises sub-committee.  We play an active role in the school and undergo regular training in order to keep up with current issues in the education world.  In collaboration with staff, we form and review clear policies which set out how the school should be run.  All policies are available in various formats from the school office should you prefer your own copy.

Whilst we ensure that all statutory provision is adhered to, all decisions that we make have children at the very core.

The Academy Community Councillors are:

  • Ms Gillian Pratt - Chair & Safeguarding

  • Mr Mark Garrett - Vice Chair

  • Mr John Andrews - Co-opted Councillor

  • Mr David Blamire - Co-opted Councillor

  • Mr Ken Pratt - Co-opted Councillor

  • Mr Gary Risdale - (Head Teacher) - Staff Councillor

  • Ms Natasha Patrick - (Deputy Head Teacher) - Staff Councillor

  • Mrs Juanita Morgan - Clerk to the Academy Community Councillors

For a detailed list of our Governing Body 2022 - 2023, please click here

To contact our Chair of Academy Community Council, please email