Chestnut Update

Added on by Chestnut.

Lovely initiative used by Thomas last week - he couldn't print out the spellings but he handed in a piece of paper with his spellings on, all handwritten.  It's not about 23 identical sheets being handed in - it's the effort to practise in order to improve that is important. The sheets are there as a list to be learned and they are an ideal format for look, cover, write, check as you can fold up the columns and cover the originals but feel free to go beyond the norm.

Reading Records - MONDAY

Spellings - TUESDAY

Times Tables - THURSDAY

Reading records now in on Wednesdays

Added on by Silver Birch.

Silver Birch have been doing some fabulous reading at home (see an earlier notice with a picture of our turret!)  Please could the children bring in their reading records for review on a Wednesday morning for the rest of the term.  The records will be reviewed and returned to the children on Thursday morning. 

We love celebrating our reading in Silver Birch and we are starting to share with each other what we are reading at the moment and what we are enjoying about the books we are reading.  We will be celebrating our reading for pleasure every Thursday morning before we go swimming.

At the moment Mrs Stansfield is reading the Percy Jackson series of books.  She is on to the fifth and last book in the series: Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian.  It is very exciting and a great adventure. 

Mr Brown has been reading all about Vikings!  He has a very good Dorling Kindersley book at home which has fascinating facts about Vikings in it.

Happy reading!

Chestnut Assembly Costumes

Added on by Chestnut.

Wednesday 27th November at 9:10


Please can everyone have a ‘Hogwarts’ style uniform –

  • Normal school trousers/skirt
  • Normal white collared shirt/polo shirt/blouse
  • Grey/black jumper or cardigan
  • Ties optional!

We also need to create a costume change for some of the songs and so we need some black sheets of material that we can cut up and quickly throw on over the top of the uniform. (think generic ghost costume but black instead of white) If anybody has any big sheets that you would be willing to let us have and share out with the class I would be really grateful and I will see what I can source too. Please can you let me know ASAP so that everyone doesn’t go out and panic buy lots of sheets!

Please bring wands back into school and keep them safe in your drawers.

The costumes will be used again for our Harry Potter themed day but that will be planned out once it is earned through completion of the whole class reading challenge.

Bacon and Book Swap - Thursday 5th December

Added on by Silver Birch.

After the phenomenal success of our Books and Bacon event last month we are already planning our next book-related breakfast.  On Thursday 5th December from 8am to 9am we will be hosting a Bacon and Book Swap.

Children are invited to bring along a grown-up and a book (or books) you have enjoyed but would like to swap for a different one.  Then you can enjoy browsing and reading whilst have a delicious bacon sandwich - once more cooked for by Mr Howe and the team!  (We will have more frying pans this time...)

Look out for more details coming soon.

Mrs Sheila Stansfield

TA & Library Co-ordinator


Maths at Hogwarts

Added on by Chestnut.

This week we have been learning about number lines including landmarked and unmarked lines. Yesterday we made a 0- 1000 number line using a piece of string and pegs. Today the challenge was to create a number line using only a piece of string and some post its. Labelling the start as 9 and the end as 10, where on the line is platform 9 and 3/4? Great partner work and learning through talk with a practical task.


Children In Need

Added on by Chestnut.

To raise money for Children in Need on the 15th November we will be doing the following things:

  • Children dressing up as teachers - 20p
  • Cake sale - cakes cost 20p
  • Colouring competition - design a uniform for Pudsey which will cost 20p (we are collecting entries in the glazed link - no entries later than Wednesday please)
  • Collecting copper coins for extra donations

Thank you

Tia & Zoe, on behalf of the School Council

children in need.jpg

Chestnut Home Learning

Added on by Chestnut.

Spellings - Homophones - Due in Weds 6th Nov (first day back)

All three groups are in one word document

Spellings activity sheet  - everyone needs to do this too (print off the sheet, complete and bring in back on Weds 6th Nov)

Multiplication Poster - everyone should have got a copy of this with them Friday but if you need another then download here - A3 size

Charmed Keys

Added on by Chestnut.

I'll let you in on a little secret - I have wanted to make 'flying keys' for a long time. Well, it's not a secret as such as Mrs Evans and the other staff have known about my idea ever since we discussed the school's vision at the beginning of the last academic year and the line 'we unlock hidden treasures' was born. I just couldn't get it out of my head but I'm not sure anyone else is as obsessed with Harry Potter as I am (where have you been for the past 10 years?)

What is really great is that it is something that I could share with my new class, who are thoroughly enjoying our Harry Potter themed learning and they are as excited as I am. I would put this lesson on a par with our Wand Making at the beginning of the term: Half an hour of pure delight - learning/developing an art technique as well as having something real and meaningful that relates to the stories we are engrossed in.

Come and have a look in our classroom!

Want to make your own? Download the wing template here

All you need to do is trace over the wing template with permanent pens (check with mum and dad first!) onto clear acetate - I have plenty in school if you need it. Then cut out your template and glue to an old key - I have 5 left over - using a glue gun (again check with mum and dad first!)



Castle Day 24 October

Added on by Silver Birch.

In 1066, before they set off to invade England, the Normans enjoyed a French breakfast of pain-au-chocolat, croissant and chocolat chaud.  Served by Monsieur Brown, Madame Stansfield and Madame Jones.

But every good Norman needs a sword to go into battle with.  So off they went to the sword smiths to make their own, personalised weapons.

But only the knights had swords.  The commoners fought with spears.

The Norman and Anglo-Saxon armies were trained and disciplined.  They had to learn how to march to march in formation; turn a half or quarter right; raise arms and present arms.

At the Battle of Hastings, the Anglo-Saxon army had the advantage because they were on the hill.  However, the Normans cleverly pretended they were retreating and the Anglo-Saxons broke formation and left their position on the hill.  The Normans encircled the Anglo-Saxon army.  King Harold was shot in the eye and William the Conqueror became King of England.