Creative Curriculum Plans Now Online

Added on by Andy Howe.

The creative curriculum plans for Terms 1 and 2 are now available via the curriculum section or alternatively, you can visit your child's class page from the class menu.

The current conceptual theme is 'The Sky's The Limit'. Every class is learning within that over-arching theme but each class will interpret it slightly differently and everyone will be working towards the range of objectives in the National Curriculum.

New Recruits Needed For Neston Reading Army

Added on by Andy Howe.

Every Thursday a group of parents, grandparents and volunteers from the local community meet up to listen to the pupils read whilst enjoying a cup of tea and even a biscuit!

September sees a change in the timings to 1:30 - 3pm so if you have an hour or even half an hour to spare, come along and join us.

For more details or to express an interest please contact the school office and ask for Liz James.

Thank you

Cricket Photo Gallery - 3.6.15

Added on by Andy Howe.

Congratulations to the Green and Red teams from Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) who were joint-winners of the Neston Cricket Competition 2015. I love the post match photos from the Reds v the Yellows; super sportsmanship on show - demonstrating a very Neston attitude to the occasion.

Sports Day photos will follow soon, only the 250+ photos taken by Mrs Pillinger and myself to go through!

Mr Howe

French speaking marmots...

Added on by Sheila Stansfield.

On Wednesday we were treated to a fabulous assembly performed by Les Marmottons (aka French Club).

We learned all about these little cute animals called marmots which live in the Alps.  The members of French Club enthusiastically sang and danced their way through several very catchy French songs.  As they say in France - magnifique!

French Club for KS2 is run by Madame Stansfield on a Wednesday after school.  We are thinking of starting a KS1 (years 1 and 2) French Club in September.  This would be on a Tuesday evening.  If this is of interest then please speak to Mrs Stansfield.

Information Letter - Dates

Added on by Andy Howe.

Up and coming events

11th and 12th June: Head Teacher’s Conference. Ms Fallon will be in charge and ably supported by the senior leadership team.

Week beginning 15th June: Phonics testing for year 1. As in previous years, year one children will be completing a national phonics test. These will be administered by Mrs Alway and myself and are deliberately carried in such a way that the children feel unfazed by them.

16th and 18th June: Parents Evenings. Sign- up sheets will be put up in the Glazed Link at school a week beforehand.

22nd June 9am: Coffee morning for parents for children with social, emotional and communication difficulties led by Wiltshire Council leading practitioner Debbie Riall.

25th June: Willow Class visit to Roves Farm.

30th June: Year 6 children visit The Corsham School.

30th June 9-10.30: Children will meet their teachers for next academic year.

1st July: World War 1 Commemorative Event at the Springfield Campus. Year 6.

8th July – 10th July: Year 3 residential to Braeside.

13th July: Leaver’s Assembly 9.10 a.m.

16th July: Sats and end of year results to parents.

17th July: Last day of term. End of term assembly - time TBC

20th 21st and 22nd July 2015: Td days.

Information Letter - 8th June

Added on by Andy Howe.

Dear Parents

Well, what an exciting few months! We have had school trips, class assemblies and themed days not to mention class specific events linked to our topics.

Sports Day

Firstly, I must mention Sports Day. What a huge success where fun was had by all! I put my order in for good weather and thankfully we got it. A big thank you to Ms Sims for organising a very slick operation and also a huge thank you to FONS for their continued support and hard work. I would, however, like to reiterate the importance of refraining from posting pictures of other people’s children on social media sites. There are some children in our school and indeed surrounding schools where posting pictures could compromise their safety and the safety of their families. If you have inadvertently posted a picture or video clip of someone else’s child on Facebook or other social media sites, could you please remove it immediately. I value your continued support in keeping our children and their families safe.

Ms Patrick

I am delighted to announce that Ms Patrick will be returning from maternity leave on 13th July 2015. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a few months ago and has named her Edith. Ms Patrick will spend that week acclimatising herself to the many changes which have taken place in her absence and working on strategic planning with me. We are very sad to be losing Mrs Alway who has slotted into Neston so well and has worked tirelessly to give Oak class another super year. Mrs Alway is a great fan of Neston and has promised to do supply cover for us. Mrs Alway’s last working day will be 17th July 2015.

TD Days

I can announce that the 1st and 2nd of September will be TD days and therefore that school will be closed to the children. The staff will be exploring our data package and our system for reporting progress and attainment. We will be paying particular attention to progress and attainment during the first day and will be able to feed our research and findings back to parents in due course. The second day will be spent further analysing data and identifying strengths and weaknesses of cohorts. We will also be carrying out rigorous performance management meetings and setting targets. Despite all this hard work, my staff will be raring to go and be welcoming the children back with open arms on 3rd September 2015! I will let you know of dates of subsequent TD days as soon as they are finalised.

Thank you for your continued support

Yours sincerely Pam Evans

Please see separate post for accompanying dates for the remainder of the school year

Sporting success for Neston!

Added on by Maple.

A super well done to our lacrosse team who won the fair play trophy at a recent tournament at Colerne School.

Also congratulations go out to both our Y5/6 mixed cricket team and our all girls cricket team who both won all of their qualifying matches at their respective Level 2 tournaments and were both runners up in their finals which could have seen them go on to the Level 3 competition.

KS2 (Years 3-6) Cricket Competition - Weds 3rd June

Added on by Andy Howe.

Vicky, the ECB coach who has been providing cricket lessons for years 3 and 4 this term, is coming in on Wednesday, 3rd June, to run our intra-school Diamond Cricket Competition. I posted some photos from one of Chestnut's lessons last term in the Class Notices blog.

Please ensure the children have their sports day team colour t-shirts for the competition.

Photos and an update on the competition will be posted here later this week.

Mr Howe

Sports Day - 5th June 2015

Added on by Andy Howe.

A letter was sent to every pupil on the 21st May but just in case you missed it, or it got lost in bookbags before half term, here are the key details:

Owing to the enormous success of last year's Sports Day, this year will follow a similar format.

10:30 - 12:15      KS1 (Reception, Year 1 and 2)

12:15 - 1:15        Picnic Lunch on the school field (see below)

1:30 - 3:15           KS2 (Years 3-6)

Again, this year, the track will be situated on the top field in front of the purpose-built viewing mound. Additionally, we will provide seating in front of the mound for anyone who is less mobile and will find it difficult to access the mound.

Children will need to wear a t-shirt in their team colours. Please check with class teachers to find out the colour for your child.

Finally, please ensure that all our athletes are provided with a sun hat, sun cream and a water bottle for the event.

If the field is unsafe owing to bad weather, we will make a decision to cancel early in the morning; a text will be sent to all parents and information will be posted on here.

Please return slips for lunches no later than the 3rd June. Options are as follows:

  • KS1 FREE school packed lunch (Ham or cheese baguette)
  • KS2 school packed lunch (Ham or cheese baguette)
  • Purchase a FONS picnic lunch on the day, for both adults and children
  • Bring your own packed lunch from home

FONS Sports Day Poster

Added on by Andy Howe.

Just in case you missed it, this FONS poster for Sports Day was sent home, accompanying a letter from the school with details of the arrangements for Sports Day - Friday June 5th 2015

FONS AGM - The Chairman's Report

Added on by Andy Howe.

On the 18th May 2015, FONS held our AGM at school. This is a copy of the Chairman's Report of the year (events listed chronologically, from June '14 through to May '15) which was presented at the meeting.

  • Sports Day The event in June was a great success with Key Stage 1 competing in the morning and Key Stage 2 competing in the afternoon. This allowed us to sell packed lunches as a new fundraising opportunity. Gary Richards and Martin  Punter organised the sports day again with Tracey-Ann Walpole and Sally Dellar running the lunches. The Cake & Drinks stall was helped by lots of great cake donations – thanks to everybody who baked. The event raised approximately £300.

  • School Extension Party We celebrated the opening of the school extension in July, where Sheila and Rick Wells' band played into the night. Sam Andrews and Martin Punter worked closely with Pam Evans and Steve Wilkinson (previous Vicar) to provide a BBQ and Bar. It was a great night.

  • Welcome Event This year, in October, the event took the form of a Treasure Hunt and storytime for the children in Willow and Oak. A special thank you to Sheila Stansfield who not only did the story, but also provided some boards on where FONS spent its funds.

  • Neston Fireworks – Another fantastic display this year and a great start for our new display master John Andrews. Gary Richards was magnificent in his organisational skills, even though Wessex Water gave us a scare in the last week. It is a huge event and cannot be underestimated the level of support it needs. This year’s event raised over £9,000.

  • Christmas Festivities – This year FONS ran three events through the run up to Christmas. Christmas cards – Lisa Blackman, Christmas Hampers – Mel Tanner and Christmas Disco – Lysa Fairhurst, with masses of support from FONS members on all the events. We raised over £400. Three great events building on our lessons from previous years.

  • Quiz Night – Our Class reps came into their own on this event, drumming up the enthusiasm for the event and selling over 70 tickets. Martin Punter took on the Quiz Master role and the strictly round was met with varying levels of enjoyment. Thanks to Tracey–Ann Walpole, Sally Dellar and Jacqui Wilmshurst to name but a few who helped with the food on the night. We raised £225 pounds.

  • Easter Egg Hunt – Thanks to Tracey Jewitt, Morven Lamont and Sally Dellar who ran the Easter Egg Hunt this year. Another cracking event.

  • Big Ride – At the beginning of May we had the inaugural Neston School Big Ride event at Castle Combe, which was an idea Tracey Jewitt took from inception through to completion and was brilliant. It took a lot of organising and support to run the event away from our usual stamping ground and feedback has been very positive and has built the foundations hopefully for future years. We managed to raise over £400 and predict that this will rise to £600 once we sell the much sought after water bottles. Thanks to the organising committee and everyone who helped to put the event on.

  • New Ideas – School Cook Book – recipes by the end of May.


  • Funding

  • Home for young chickens - £583 plus outdoor recreational extension

  • Ipads and ancillaries (including charge and sync trolley, cases, screen protectors, Mac Mini, initial apps) - £10,315

  • Flying Pizza Theatre Co. - £199

  • Bonfire equipment 

Another fantastic year where it has felt more people have got actively involved in events, new members have joined the team and we go from strength to strength with new and old events. 

A massive thank you to everyone who has given up their time to support our marvellous school. 

Martin Punter

FONS Chair