SEN Q&A Coffee Morning - 22nd June

Added on by Andy Howe.

Dear Parents and Carers

You are invited to a Parents Q&A coffee morning on Wednesday 22nd June 2015 from 9am -11 am, in the school hall. This is an opportunity to discuss issues related to social communication difficulties and ADHD.

Come and meet Debbie Riall, Wilts Advisory Teacher for SEN. She will be taking questions on all aspects of life with children with social communication difficulties including sensory sensitivities and challenging behaviour and suggesting ideas and strategies to help.

Let us know if you are thinking of attending so that we can provide coffee, tea and biscuits.

Note posted on behalf of Mrs Pillinger - SENCO

The Week Ahead (brought to you by FONS)

Added on by Andy Howe.


  • FONS AGM at 8pm in the School Hall.  All parents welcome.


  • Class photographs


  • Willow cake sale: don't forget to bring 20p and all donations gratefully received.
  • Oak Assembly: parents are welcome to wait in the hall until the start of the assembly at 9.10am.
  • Braeside meeting for Hazel parents at 3pm.


  • Last day of term

Other FONS News

  • Neston School bottles can be bought from reception for £2.50
  • Recipes for the School Cookbook need to be in by the 31st May, photos welcomed but optional

Neston Cookbook!

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Please support FoNS in creating Neston Primary School's very own cookbook by posting your child's favourite, healthy, tasty recipe on using Access Code y13974d4fe.

The deadline is 31 May 2015
You will be able to purchase the Cookbooks for a price of £8.50 each from 1 June 2015. Order Forms will be available shortly. They make an ideal gift for you, grandparents, relatives and friends.
A sample Cookbook can be in viewed in Neston Primary School Reception.

Neston Ride: A Wheely Big Success

Added on by Andy Howe.

In stark contrast to the standard of that pun, the Great Big Neston Ride was a huge success on Friday night. It was great to see adults and children, friends and families, all enjoying the track event at Castle Combe circuit. Even as the rain drew in towards the end of the evening, spirits weren't dampened and the enthusiasm was etched across the faces of participants and onlookers too.

A massive thank you to Tracey Jewitt and her team for organising the event, as well as other members of FONS for helping out and those of you that donated prizes and made cakes.

Keep an eye out on here for photos from a fabulous Neston event, hopefully the first of many Great Big Rides!

Neston Ride: Rules!

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

The Great Big Neston Ride 

To help ensure everyone has a great time and that the event runs smoothly we ask that you read the rules below and ensure that your family and friends taking part are aware of them.

Also below are some further details about the event.

Event Rules

  • Helmets must be worn at all times by all participants when riding on the track

  • All bikes, scooters, roller blades and any other modes of wheeled transport must be in roadworthy condition

  • No motorised vehicles are allowed on track

  • Adults are responsible for the behaviour and safety of any children they accompany to the event

  • Children leaving the track into the car park area must be accompanied by an adult 

  • All participants must travel in a clockwise direction around the track

  • Learners and less confident riders will be using the home straight, so when entering the home straight riders completing laps must keep to the right of the track.

  • An area for learners/less confident/younger riders will be coned off on the left-hand side of the home straight

  • Ensure you take care when crossing the track

  • Please ensure all litter is put in the bins provided or taken away with you

These rules are for all our safety and enjoyment.

Further Information about the event:

The Great Big Neston Ride starts at 6pm on Friday 8th May at Castle Combe Circuit, SN14 7EY

It takes approximately 25 minutes from Neston to Castle Combe, but please allow and extra few minutes for congestion that may be caused by traffic heading to and from Badminton Horse Trials.

Click here for a map of the site

There are several entrances into the circuit from the B4039. You need to take the COMPETITORS ENTRANCE, which is clearly sign posted.

All parking is in the Paddock, where there is plenty of space.

The toilets are located into Paddock too. Please ensure children are accompanied from the track to the toilet in case of cars moving.

A BBQ selling sausages and burgers will be available as near to 6pm as possible. Cakes and fruit will be on sale too.

Reusable, Neston-school branded bottles will be available to buy at the event for £2.50. Water and squash will be available to fill these free-of-charge all evening.

If you require other drinks or food, please bring your own.

A certificate and free lucky dip present will be available for all children who take part in the event, from 7.30pm.

Great raffle prizes will also be up for grabs and tickets will be on sale at the event.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday!

The Great Big Neston Ride

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Come and join us on the famous Castle Combe Race Circuit on Friday 8th May, 6-8pm.


For one evening only, Neston School has the famous race track to itself and we need as many people as possible to come and help us fill it and make it a great evening of cycling, scooting, blading and socialising!

The BBQ will be fired up, so bring a picnic blanket and enjoy a great start to the weekend.

There is a 1.78 mile race track for the confident cyclers, but there is a great home straight for learners to enjoy practicing on too. So it really is a family event for all ages.

Please join us and help make Neston’s School’s first Big Ride a great success. All money raised goes to the school, in particular to help raise funds for a bike and scooter shed for the children.

Tickets will be on sale before and after school from Mon 20th April and from class reps.
£2.50 per adult and £1.50 for children.

Please invite your family and friends along too.

To ensure everyone stays safe and has a great time, a few simple circuit rules will be posted on the website and at the event, so please take a couple of minutes to read them.

I don’t have a bike rack You can still come and join the fun. If you can’t fit bikes in the car, then bring blades or scooters. It’s great fun, no matter what your wheels!
My children are a bit wobbly on a bike, should we still come along? This event is for all ages and capabilities. As well as having the whole 1.78 mile circuit, there is a great home straight which is brilliant for learners too.
Do we have to wear helmets? Yes please. We want everyone to enjoy this great event and stay safe too. Please help us set a good example to the children an pop a helmet on!
Will the course be supervised? There will be FONs marshals around the track, but you will be responsible for your children at all times.
Where is the Castle Combe Circuit? The circuit is about 20-25 minutes from Neston. There is plenty of FREE parking when you get there.

Happy Holidays! Gardening tips for Easter...

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Spring has truly sprung and the school grounds are starting to come to life again. As you may know, we have some fantastic planters in the school grounds, and this year we are donning our welllies and gardening gloves to get them overflowing with yummy vegetables for the summer. 

We are incredibly lucky because helping us to achieve this goal are Alison and Jonathan the owners of Lowden Garden Centre. Not only have they donated seeds and plants, but they are also giving us their invaluable knowledge and time to help the children nurture their crops. 

As part of our ‘Healthy Minds, Healthy Tummies’ day, Alison, Jonathan and the children cleared the beds and planted seed potatoes, peas, broad beans, onions sets, garlic and some herbs. The plants are brilliantly labelled too!

A covering of light branches over the seed beds has added protection form the birds.

We will keep you posted over the coming months as shoots start to appear. 

Happy Gardening!

Lowden’s top tips for Spring Gardening:

Top tips over Easter: Good time to dig over your veggie beds and add some well-rotted manure for good measure. Seed potatoes can now be planted as well as the peas and beans. It’s a bit too early still for anything small seeded i.e. Carrots etc.

It’s an excellent time to now dig over your flower beds, prune back any wayward shrubs and roses. Even though the weather might be lovely don’t be tempted to buy your bedding plants yet. It’s still too frosty at night for tender plants.

Lowden have an Easter egg hunt stating on Monday 30th March ending on Tuesday 7th April and would love to see you there!


Thank You Lowden!

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Healthy Tummies, Healthy Minds Day

A big thank you to Lowden Garden Centre for donating their fabulous, seed potatoes, beans, onions, and herbs so that we could plant up our planters in school with the children. Also for giving up so much of their time during our Healthy Tummies, Healthy Minds Day.

We had an incredible interactive day with the children thinking about the links between where our food comes from, how it is grown, the importance of different food groups and the impact that different foods have on our physical and mental wellbeing.

This is the start of an exciting green-fingered adventure for us all and as our planters and ideas bloom, we will keep you posted about all the different ways in which we are learning about our food and our health.


New School Topic

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Click over to our curriculum page to take a look at all the amazing learning that will be going on in our school over the next few terms.