Happy New Year!

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

What a lot of gorgeous Christmas cards and gifts we received from you all. We really are incredibly grateful! We hope you all had a wonderful holiday and are looking forward to a great 2015 with us.

Whole School Learning Christmas Art Competition

Added on by Silver Birch.

Prizes will be awarded for effort this year, as well as overall prizes.  But you've got to be in it to win it!  The theme this year is "Design your favourite book character's Christmas house".  Due in by 8th December.  The letter with more details has gone out today (Friday 28th November) but you can download it here as well.  Good luck!

Reading is APPealing...

Added on by Silver Birch.

How have you been getting on with the Readathon and Extreme Reading Challenge over half-term?  Remember that all sponsorship money for the Readathon is due in on Friday 7th November along with your Reading is APPealing pictures - we can't wait to see where you've been reading!  Everyone who takes part in the Readathon will be entered into a draw to win a book token for The Corsham Bookshop.  Happy Reading!

What are you reading?

Added on by Silver Birch.

On Wednesday we got our Readathon off to a flying start with The Big Read in assembly.  It was simply awesome to see all the children in our school reading at the same time.  It is great to see the enthusiasm for the Readathon across the school.  Happy reading!

Readathon launched today

Added on by Silver Birch.

Today, as part of the Neston Festival of Reading 2014, we launched our Readathon Sponsored Read.  Each child has been given a letter telling you all about Readathon, a sponsorship card and a bookmark.  Click here to see a copy of the Readathon letter.

To get the Readathon off to a flying start we will be having a Big Read in assembly on Wednesday 15th October and all children are asked to bring in a book they can read or share with an older child.  

Any questions please just ask Mrs Stansfield.

E-Safety Training for Parents.

Added on by Pam Evans.

On Monday 12th January 2015 we will be running an E-safety training session for parents.  The session will start at 2 pm and finish at 3.15 pm in time for pick up.  All are welcome.

A date for the diary. Positive Psychology: Meeting the needs of your child.

Added on by Pam Evans.

Neston Primary school are delighted to announce that Linda Mallory is continuing to work with us and will be giving a presentation on Friday 14th November at 9 am until 10 am entitled, "Meeting the needs of your child".  As a renowned Educational Psychologist, we are always delighted when Linda comes into our school to share her own experiences as a professional but also as a mum.  In addition, she will also be offering some free parent consultations.  Details will be available during the presentation.  Please come along and find out more.  Tea and coffee will be available on arrival.

Whole school home learning

Added on by Silver Birch.

All children received some whole school learning as part of the Neston Festival of Reading on Thursday 9th October.  If it didn't make it home in the book bag then please click on the link above!  We look forward to seeing the home learning and some Heroic Hair  on Friday 17th October!

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Our fantastic new hockey team make a great start

Added on by Silver Birch.

Congratulations to our fantastic new hockey team from Chestnut and Hazel classes.  They came an amazing third in the Corsham Hockey Festival yesterday which was held on the new astroturf at the Corsham Campus.  Despite many of the team having only played hockey for a couple of weeks, their determination, amazing effort and team commitment made for an awesome start with this new sport.  This is definitely going to be a team to watch in the future...

If any children are interested in hockey, Corsham Hockey Club is a new club based at the astroturf at the Corsham Campus.  Junior coaching is on a Sunday from 10.30am to 12 noon.  All primary school ages are catered for!  If you need any more details please speak with Mrs Stansfield.
