Sports Day - 5th June 2015

Added on by Andy Howe.

A letter was sent to every pupil on the 21st May but just in case you missed it, or it got lost in bookbags before half term, here are the key details:

Owing to the enormous success of last year's Sports Day, this year will follow a similar format.

10:30 - 12:15      KS1 (Reception, Year 1 and 2)

12:15 - 1:15        Picnic Lunch on the school field (see below)

1:30 - 3:15           KS2 (Years 3-6)

Again, this year, the track will be situated on the top field in front of the purpose-built viewing mound. Additionally, we will provide seating in front of the mound for anyone who is less mobile and will find it difficult to access the mound.

Children will need to wear a t-shirt in their team colours. Please check with class teachers to find out the colour for your child.

Finally, please ensure that all our athletes are provided with a sun hat, sun cream and a water bottle for the event.

If the field is unsafe owing to bad weather, we will make a decision to cancel early in the morning; a text will be sent to all parents and information will be posted on here.

Please return slips for lunches no later than the 3rd June. Options are as follows:

  • KS1 FREE school packed lunch (Ham or cheese baguette)
  • KS2 school packed lunch (Ham or cheese baguette)
  • Purchase a FONS picnic lunch on the day, for both adults and children
  • Bring your own packed lunch from home