Rhythm of the Night

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Look at the fun we're having in Chestnut. The video below says it all. Thanks to the fantastic (and free!) app VidRhythm. We have also enjoyed experimenting with the app after school in Performing Arts Club, where Mr Howe and Miss Apperley used their iPads to show the videos via mirroring technology (whatever is displayed on the iPad is shown simultaneously on screen) on the Apple TV connected to the projector in Mr Howe's classroom.

Set to a pre-determined tune/beat/rhythm all you have to do is record 6 separate, 3 second videos, for example saying 'go' or imitating drum sounds and the clever app puts it together. Add a dash of autotune and voila; a music video in under 5 minutes

Happy New Year!

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Some of our children have been reflecting on their achievements from last year, as well as sharing their hopes for 2014. 

Thank you!

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

What a lot of gorgeous Christmas cards and gifts we've been receiving from you all. We really are incredibly grateful! The staff room is bursting with biscuits and treats, which is definitely helping to keep our Christmas spirits up over these last few days of school :) 


Our Christmas Castle Design winner

Added on by Silver Birch.

Congratulations Lenny on winning the Hunter French Christmas Castle Design competition and well done to all our runners' up, especially Elise, whose design won her a Highly Commended.  You can see all the amazing winning designs in the glazed link at school.

Over the Christmas holidays, if you are in Corsham, you will be able to see all the highly imaginative winning designs displayed in the Hunter French windows.

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition - your pictures were all superb and reflected the creativity that we value so highly at Neston.


A Viking feast

Added on by Silver Birch.

Silver Birch enjoyed a fantastic Viking feast today as part of their "Dragonese Day".  They cooked green soup, oat cakes and berry pancakes - delicious.  Our Viking Heroes learnt how to tame a dragon (not as easy as it sounds), made clay runes and flew their very own handmade dragons.  The day was topped off with the burning of a Viking longboat.

Whole School Nativity

Added on by Pam Evans.

Dear Parents

This year, as part of our Christmas celebrations, we will be attending a Christmas service at Neston church on Monday 16th December at 9.10am.

We have all been asked to dress as nativity characters to aid the service along. We have been reassured that any nativity costume will suffice. Tea towels and head bands are always a useful to have in at a time like this and make very effective shepherds outfits. Perhaps a hairband with tinsel would work well for an angel costume.

We do appreciate your cooperation at such a busy time of year and feel that the overall effect will be fantastic and create some very fond memories.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Kind regards,

Pam Evans

{If you need something to distract the kids whilst you're busy hunting tinsel, take a peek at this gorgeous free printable colour-in nativity template from artist Joel Henriques over at www.madebyjoel.com}


Bacon and Book Swaptastic!

Added on by Silver Birch.

It was wonderful to see over 100 children and adults reading over breakfast yesterday!.  There were no queues for bacon sandwiches this time either as our trusty team of fryers have got much slicker!  Over 90 books were swapped too.  We hope you enjoy reading your new books.  

Your Reading Army Needs YOU!

Added on by Chestnut.

Did you know every Thursday between 9:00 and 10:20 a team of volunteers come into school to read with the children?

Read the Reading Army info in the volunteering section on the site here

If we get more volunteers then we can create more opportunities for children to read with an adult. As a school we know the power of reading and the importance of sharing stories with others - the reading army has been one of the many ways in which we are successfully changing the culture of reading within the school.

If you think that you could give your time for one morning or attend on a regular basis then please contact Mrs James (TA in Chestnut)

What do you like to read?

Added on by Silver Birch.

What do you like to read?  All the new books bought with the funds raised by the Book Fair have arrived today and there should be something for everyone: Batman, The Reluctant Dragon, The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, Mo Farah, The Pirates Next Door, Scrum, How to Ride a Dragon's Storm, Steven Gerrard...To name but a few of the selection.

We would really like to hear more about what you like to read.  Come along and tell us at the Bacon and Book Swap on 5th December.

Happy reading!

New books Nov 2013.JPG

Bacon and Book Swap - Thursday 5th December

Added on by Silver Birch.

Due to the phenomenal success of our Books and Bacon event last term we would like to invite you to come along on Thursday 5th December to our Bacon and Book Swap.

From 8.00am, Mr Howe and his team of chefs will, once again, be cooking up a sizzling breakfast (with more frying pans this time!).  All children are invited to bring along a grown-up and share a newspaper, magazine, book, back of a cereal packet…while enjoying a bacon sandwich or some cereal.

As well as a grown-up, children can bring a book (or books) that they have enjoyed reading and swap it for a different book.  This could be a good way to clear the shelves before Christmas and, hopefully, a chance to pick up some fun new books to enjoy.

If you are able to come along to this fun event please fill in the reply slip attached to the letter (which went in book bags today) and return to the school office by Wednesday 4th December at the very latest.  We really do need the slips back so that we know how many to cater for – last time we just managed to have enough bacon to go round!

We look forward to seeing you and your books next week.


Macbeth - Everyone's talking about it!

Added on by Pam Evans.

Neston Primary School proudly present their incredible production of Macbeth.  It all starts on Tuesday 26th November 2013 and is guaranteed to send shivers down your spine!  

How to manage confidence and self esteem.

Added on by Pam Evans.

Following on from the success of our parent group, Linda Mallory will be running another session on Wednesday 27th November at 2 pm.  The session will be exploring how to manage confidence and self-esteem in our children.  Linda's approach is open, non-judgmental and gives hundreds of practical ideas to support all the differing needs of our children. Parenting is the most important job we will ever do yet is sometimes the most challenging.  All are warmly welcome and tea and coffee will be available on arrival.

Thank you!

Added on by Betsy Huggins.
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Between us all we managed to raise a whopping £174 which we have donated to Children In Need. Every penny we raise will go towards helping children in real need right here in the UK. Click here to see some photos from the day.


Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Congratulations to Captain Chloe and her team (Holly, Ben B, Chris, Lily, James, Chloe B, Ellie M and Charlotte)! 
We came third in a tournament at Corsham Secondary School on 11.11.13. We played in six fast and furious matches against other primary schools in our cluster and we also took turns playing for Lypiatt School, who were short a few players. It was a super opportunity to practise all of the skills that we've been learning with our brilliant coach, Kathryn Bacon. Many thanks to the parents who could provide lifts and support our terrific team!


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Children In Need Friday 15th November.

Added on by Pam Evans.

Children In Need tomorrow.  Children dress up as teachers and teachers dress up as the children.  All proceeds will go to Children In Need.  Many thanks.