Bacon and Book Swap - Thursday 5th December

Added on by Silver Birch.

Due to the phenomenal success of our Books and Bacon event last term we would like to invite you to come along on Thursday 5th December to our Bacon and Book Swap.

From 8.00am, Mr Howe and his team of chefs will, once again, be cooking up a sizzling breakfast (with more frying pans this time!).  All children are invited to bring along a grown-up and share a newspaper, magazine, book, back of a cereal packet…while enjoying a bacon sandwich or some cereal.

As well as a grown-up, children can bring a book (or books) that they have enjoyed reading and swap it for a different book.  This could be a good way to clear the shelves before Christmas and, hopefully, a chance to pick up some fun new books to enjoy.

If you are able to come along to this fun event please fill in the reply slip attached to the letter (which went in book bags today) and return to the school office by Wednesday 4th December at the very latest.  We really do need the slips back so that we know how many to cater for – last time we just managed to have enough bacon to go round!

We look forward to seeing you and your books next week.
