MDSA Vacancies

Added on by Pam Evans.

We currently have 2 vacancies for MDSAs to join our friendly and valued team to supervise the children during lunch.  Please CLICK HERE for further details

E-Safety Magazine - #DITTO Issue 3

Added on by Andy Howe.

#DITTO is a free monthly magazine for schools and parents. The magazine is about keeping you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, commonly called e-safety or online safety, but also with a view to enjoying and learning about technology.

This issue includes the following content:

  • Online addiction
  • Sexting
  • SEN
  • Lifestage App
  • Cyber Bullying – guest article
  • DITTO – Passwords

Please click here to download

You can find more information and useful sites on our e-Safety page

E-Safety Magazine - #DITTO Issue 2

Added on by Andy Howe.

#DITTO is a free monthly magazine for schools and parents. The magazine is about keeping you up to date with risks, issues, advice and guidance related to keeping children safe online, commonly called e-safety or online safety, but also with a view to enjoying and learning about technology.

This issue includes the following content:

  • Vulnerable children – are we doing enough?
  • Student Voice
  • YouTube for Kids app
  • Personal Information
  • Useful links and resources.
  • **BRAND NEW – SEN (Special Educational Needs) section.

Please click here to download

You can find more information and useful websites on our e-Safety page

More School Games action for Neston - this time netball!

Added on by Maple.

The Y5/6 netball squad took part in 5 Level 2 matches over two afternoons at Corsham Comp (which were officiated by two 6th formers who played for Neston when they were in Year 6!). Martha and Rosie took on the role of captain along with the decisions of who would play in which position. They and the squad (Zoe, Katherine, Kate, Ellen, Ben, Barney and Finn) got stronger and stronger as the tournament progressed. They worked on their passing and marking and won 3 games out of the 5. Special mention goes to our goal scorers Zoe and Ben for their composure and to Martha who was one of the 3 pupils out of all the schools taking part to be commended by Mrs Long (the SGO) for her defensive skills! 

Neston Girls Cricket team comes second in competition!

Added on by Maple.

Our girls team, ably managed by Captains Katherine and Kate, took part in a tournament on 3.10.16. We achieved the main aims of the event which were to have fun and to increase our cricketing skills and it was the icing on the cake to come second - only missing out on first place by 5 points (one out). We're looking forward to more competition in Terms 5 and 6!

A fantastic first event of our School Games calendar

Added on by Maple.

Well done to our Year 5/6 mixed-cricket team for competing in our first inter-school event for this year! It was wonderful to see some of our more seasoned cricketers building their team work and leadership skills by supporting and guiding those with less cricket experience. Our most valuable players were Lauren, who had two brilliant catches; Ellie, who got players out with both her bowling and her fielding and Ned, who ran players out. Our most improved player was Niamh, who put into practise what she's learned at school with some strong batting and accurate bowling. She gained in confidence so much throughout the tournament that she was asking to be wicket keeper by the last match and did a great job of it! Three cheers also for Captains Will and Taylon, Leo, Lenny, Isabel and Chloe who did Neston proud with their positive attitudes and hard work!

Braeside Day 3

Added on by Andy Howe.

Walking. Water. Wet children (+ Mr Howe!) What a great way to finish our time together at Braeside! Thank you Hazel class!

Braeside Day 2

Added on by Andy Howe.

We spent virtually the whole day out and about, walking roughly 5 miles and taking in some gorgeous scenery in private woodlands.

Keith, our Braeside instructor, led us down the canal and when we reached a clearing off the track, the children played a game to get them thinking about oxygen and trees - they had to run without breathing!!

Whilst they were walking, the children had bug pots and could collect small creatures to look at closer and they also had to identify leaves, which got particularly exciting as they spotted all of our class names. 


After a picnic lunch by the stream, the children learnt about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and created their own natural art pieces using the things they found around them like leaves, petals and twigs.

Braeside Day 1

Added on by Andy Howe.

Our day began by making pizzas at Pizza Express in Devizes. The children learnt how to prepare the dough and then cover with toppings. When we arrived at Braeside we had a pizza picnic lunch in the barn.

After lunch, we split up and the children completed the low ropes course and a round of problem solving activities around the grounds. 

After our dinner, we had a super evening of singing around the campfire (thanks to Mrs Phillips) and had melted marshmallows to finish off.

I have over 150 photos just from our first day here and I will think of a way to share them with you and the children once we are back to school.

Mr Howe

The Great Big Neston Ride - Event Rules

Added on by Andy Howe.

Event Rules

1.     Helmets must be worn at all times by all participants when riding on the track


2.     All bikes, scooters, roller blades and any other modes of wheeled transport must be in roadworthy condition


3.     No motorised vehicles are allowed on track


4.     Adults are responsible for the behaviour and safety of any children they accompany to the event


5.     Children leaving the track into the car park area must be accompanied by an adult


6.     All participants must travel in a clockwise direction around the track


7.     An area for learners/less confident/younger riders will be coned off on the left-hand side of the home straight, so when entering the home straight riders completing laps must keep to the right of the track.


8.      Ensure you take care when crossing the track


9.     Please ensure all litter is put in the bins provided or taken away with you


These rules are for all our safety and enjoyment