Filtering by Category: Chestnut

Lights, camera, FRACTION

Added on by Chestnut.

Live in Chestnut class

We are playing paper basketball

After some free game time, Robert worked out that we could relate this to fractions by recording how many shots we got in from the amount of throws we had. At the moment we have 5 paper balls so 5 is our denominator and however many go in is our numerator

Up & Under Football Club

Added on by Betsy Huggins.

Starting on Tuesday 14th January 2014 Up and Under Sports will be running a new after school Football Club for Years 4,5,& 6. If you'd like to sign up please click here for a copy of the registration from which needs to be returned to the school office.

Chestnut Class - Harry Potter Day Part 2

Added on by Chestnut.

Please read part 1 below

Professor Trelawney's glasses were proving to be a popular accessory. They didn't stay on for very long though!


After lunch the Marauder's maps were completed with a detailed floor layout of the school on the inside of the folding map.

Then the children thought about their Patronus animal. The Patronus charm, created by saying the phrase 'Expecto Patronum' - which, as far as I am aware, is Latin for 'I await a guardian' is used to protect us from Dementors. In basic form it creates a silvery, white light shield but a stronger wizard can create an animal form. The children posed for photos and then using chalks on black card created these wonderful pieces of artwork that really capture the look of the Patronus from the films.

Patronus art.JPG

Then we relocated to the hall for Quidditch practice, which was highly entertaining. Each team had a keeper in front of the goal, whilst the rest of the team had to try and score with the Quaffle. Below there is even an action shot of Meg scoring! All that was left to do after that was visit Honeydukes. We ate Tom Riddle's Baby Basilisks, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans (no bogey flavoured, thankfully), Ollivander's Wands and Owl Droppings.

Thank you Chestnut Class for an AMAZING day - Magic does exist!

Mischief Managed



Chestnut Class - Harry Potter Day Part 1

Added on by Chestnut.

On Thursday 12th December, Chestnut Class were rewarded for their team effort in reading with a Harry Potter Day.

When the children got home the previous Friday, the 5th of December, they had received a very special letter informing them of their acceptance to Hogwarts - much to the confusion of the muggle Postman who had to deliver numerous letters to children living in 'the cupboard under the stairs'.

On arriving at school on Thursday, Chestnut couldn't enter via the traditional method of a common door and so they had to go through platform 9 and 3/4s.

9 and 3 quarters.JPG

Panic and excitement set in, nobody was quite sure whether to enter or not. When they did they were greeted by Dumbledore himself. Everyone made a dash to the Honeydukes sweets on show but unfortunately, entry to Honedukes sweet shop was only granted with good choices throughout the day and of course, one will need a Marauder's map to find the right entrance. With long rows of tables and the flickering candles around the board, early learning began with a look at the house crest and the children were sorted into houses (and yes, the sorting hat talked). After that we stained our Marauder's maps with teabags to make them look like parchment

At break time because the new netball court was being painted (a muggle sport similar to Quidditch but no flying!) Chestnut got some fresh air with Willow class. Surprisingly, the tiny muggles weren't phased by meeting arguably the greatest wizard in history! After break Dumbledore was joined by Professor Trelawney to help with potions lesson. There are some great stills taken from a video at the exact point when everyone's caldrons overflowed - if you want to know what pure joy looks like then I'm sure this isn't far off! Then Chestnut learned about spells and matched up the name of the spell with a muggle origin word to link up the effect of the spell and the definition of the real word. They then made little spell books.

Hazel & Chestnut Xmas Party 18th Dec

Added on by Chestnut.

Our joint Christmas party will take place on Wednesday 18th Dec at 1:30pm

Please bring a Christmas hat to wear and a donation of 50p to cover the cost of food bought for the afternoon.

Ms Shaw & Mr Howe

Travel Survey - please complete and return to school

Added on by School Administrator.

We are updating our Travel Plan, with our aim to reduce car-borne journeys to the school site, promote sustainable modes of transport and make the school site entrance as safe as possible. As part of this work, we would like to find out your views on the school journey. As well as talking to your children about their school journey, and asking them to think about the issues around their transport choices, we will also be consulting staff and governors. Please complete the questionnaire we sent home today and return it to the school office by Friday 13th December 2013. A copy of the questionnaire can be downloaded here.

Chestnut Spellings

Added on by Chestnut.

There were none set last week due to Assembly taking priority (final rehearsal time on Tuesday afternoon - the time when spellings would normally be tested)

Spellings Set 3rd Dec - Due in 10th Dec

All three groups in one document

Message to children: Please return spellings in black named folders

We keep a record of who returns their spellings as well as the score from the test

Whole School Home Learning - Christmas Castle Design

Added on by Silver Birch.

Continuing with our Castle theme at Neston, all children are invited to take part in this year’s Hunter French Design a Christmas Castle competition.  There will be a superb first prize for the winning Christmas Castle design and all runners up will receive a book token for Corsham Book Shop.

The winner and runners’ up designs (1 winner and 17 runners up) will be transferred onto top quality duratrans paper and will be displayed for a two week period in the Hunter French Estate Agents windows in Corsham over Christmas.  The special duratrans paper means that the children’s designs will be back-lit and will be visible night and day!

All designs need to:

-          Be on white A3 paper ONLY (please use the paper provided with paper copy of this letter)

-          Ideally have the child’s first name and age showing clearly on the front of the paper (this will be displayed)

-          Have the child’s full name and class on the back of the paper - so we know who to give the prizes to (this will not be displayed)

-          Use bright and bold colours in your designs – these will stand out and look better lit up

-          We are looking to see the children’s wonderful work – Hunter French do all the judging and they have specifically requested that parents stay hands-off on the final design!

All Christmas Castle designs need to be handed in by Thursday 5th December.  You can bring along your home learning to the Bacon and Book Swap on 5th December or put it in the box in the glazed link before that.

Good luck!

Chestnut Spellings Due 26.11.13 - Apologies

Added on by Chestnut.

In my attempt to be organised I prepped this post in half term but forgot to put it in the Chestnut category and tag home learning, so if you searched it wouldn't be visible - the only way you would have found it is by scrolling back through the blog. Therefore I have carried over last weeks to be due in next week rather than tomorrow

Spellings Set 12th Nov - Due 26th Nov

All three groups in one document


Added on by Chestnut.

Last week Rachel brought in her own presentation on Harry Potter which was a great way to share her learning. Harry has made his own broomstick at home and brought it into school to show us too. Also Megan brought in her own notes on Harry Potter and Quidditch the day before we wrote a non-fiction piece on the sport.

It is great to see such self-motivated learners