The Dragon Trap

Added on by Andy Howe.

On the afternoon of Thursday 6th October, Silver Birch set a dragon trap in the grounds of the school (read our previous blog post - Dragon Watching)

By Friday morning the area was cordoned off by Police tape and there were scratch marks on the shed, scorch marks on the grass and two silver eggs left in the trap.

The secret camera was destroyed by the dragon's flames but thankfully, the memory card remained in good condition and we were able to get this amazing video!

Younger viewers may find the video a bit scary!

Super Artists

Added on by Willow.

We collected some lovely Autumn things to make pictures. The children have taken their own photographs of th or art using the iPad.


Dragon Watching in Silver Birch

Added on by Andy Howe.

As all good dragon-watchers know, you need your own equipment so we made telescopes and then grabbed our coats and headed outside.

We were surprised at just how many we saw roaming the grounds of Neston School. After that, we went near the edge of the woods to set a trap. We knew we wanted to build a wall and hopefully catch a small dragon. The children suggested that we use the leftover wood from the mirror maze as it already had some small walls made from wood. The children showed fantastic teamwork by collecting sticks, stones and one of them even made a pile of food to attract the dragons.


Added on by Willow.

There is Superhero training in Willow today. These superb Supers have a cheer leader making them run super fast. 


This healthy Hero is making Superhero Supper... 


Added on by Willow.

There is some fabulous painting and printing happening in Willow already this morning.  


Added on by Willow.

These girls are trying to get from one side of the playground to the other without touching the floor. They have built a bridge .... We hope they don't fall in the water and get eaten by crocodiles or sharks... 


Singing and Dancing

Added on by Willow.

We started with "Dingle Dangle Scarecrow" this morning and then we found it on the Internet. After that, we found  "here we go round the mulberry bush " and after that they decided to play "ring a ring a roses"


Story Reading in Willow

Added on by Willow.

We have some great story tellers in Willow Class. These girls have chosen to look at A Squash and a Squeeze. The reader is very expressive and can do all the voices.  



Added on by Willow.

This morning we built a balance trail, we found different ways to move along the trail. 


We counted the number of pieces we used. 


"This bit was tricky"

Off to the Ball

Added on by Willow.

The girls are ready for the Queens ball. " we are going by train, would you like to go too Mrs Phillips?" 


Mrs Phillips is given dress and headdress by the children. 

