Exploring China!

Added on by Andrea Alway.

The children in Silver Birch have really embraced our China topic and have brought in some fascinating items, including many they have made themselves. 


Stone Age & Fossil Day

Added on by Andy Howe.

Before half term, Chestnut and Hazel were joined by the brilliant Andrew Skelton from Chippenham Museum and Heritage centre.

We began the day handling artefacts, thinking like historians and trying to work out what era of pre-history they came from.

After that, we finished the first session with weaving - just how they used to make their houses!

Fossils was our science topic in term 5, a really good link to the Stone Age and our over-arching topic, Similarities and Differences. The children used tools to do a sandbox dig and then they sorted the things they had found. Following that, Mr Skelton explained how things get buried and fossilised over many, many years using a 'blanket dig'.


Chestnut & Hazel's Visit to the Egg

Added on by Andy Howe.

Before half term, Hazel and Chestnut made the short trip to Bath, to the Egg Theatre, to watch a performance of Stig of the Dump. The Egg is a great venue - both classes filled up the seats and as you can see from the fantastic set, we were really close to the action.

We watched 4 actors (2 male and 2 female) and a puppet Stig perform different parts from the WHOLE story in just a few hours. The children were completely captivated thanks to the humour and the interactive singing and chanting. It was a really great way to round off all the learning we have done around Stig of the Dump in Term 5.

Willow Stay and Play

Added on by Willow.

We have lots of grown ups and toddlers in Willow this morning 😀


Willow Class made biscuits for everyone...of course, we have to make sure they're alright... 


Willow Class Have a Mud Kitchen

Added on by Willow.

There is great excitement in Willow Class today. Mrs. Phillips' Dad has very kindly made us a mud kitchen!!  


It has sides that fold out to make work surfaces and fold back in so that we can lock it up. There are places to hang kitchen utensils and we would like to add a blackboard for recipes and a menu. We all helped design it. We love it!! Thank you Mrs. Phillips' Dad 😀 


Willow Triathletes......

Added on by Willow.

Willow did an amazing job today and all completed the triathlon. The rest of the school provided a fabulous audience cheering Willow on enthusiastically.  


The start. 



The run. 



The swim. (Very welcome in this warm weather!) 


Congratulations Willow Class - you were awesome! 

One more than 2 is 3....

Added on by Willow.

This afternoon our third chick hatched out. We were able to watch it hatch. " it was nice to see it hatch"  


They are now resting in the incubator.


Snooze time. 

Snooze time.