Chestnut enjoying the cricket and sunshine

Added on by Andy Howe.

Chestnut class (and Hazel) have been really lucky to have the excellent Vicky, from the ECB, come in to provide cricket coaching for the past six weeks. Today we practised diamond cricket in preparation for the Key Stage 2 (years 3-6) school tournament, taking place on Wednesday 3rd June. 

Please wear your team colours (same as Sports Day)

Added on by Beech.

Lily and Abbie ended up with amazingly clear water, which was the envy of most! 


Would you try some if stranded on an island? 


Others set up long term solutions... 


Throughout the morning, everybody's methods improved and it was definitely a challenge for all. Well done Beech and Maple!  

Added on by Beech.

The children applied their science skills and knowledge really well and came up a wide range of solutions.


Added on by Beech.

Last Friday Beech and Maple classes came one step closer to being able to survive on a deserted island with only muddy water to drink. Based on their science learning this term, they all invented water filters that would (hopefully) give them clean water to drink!


Oak Class Assembly

Added on by Andy Howe.

This morning the whole school, as well parents of Oak Class, were treated to a fantastic class assembly. In the words of Mrs Evans it was 'awesome' and we watched performances of songs, Kung Fu punctuation and video animations of plasticine minibeast models filmed using the iPads.

I have taken photos of the stars - head over to Oak's class page to see the gallery of owls, pussycats and one happy zebra. Can you work out who they all are?

Mr Howe

Chick Weighing Time

Added on by Willow.

We use our mini marbles to weigh the yellow chick. On Friday 8th May, chick weighed 21 marbles. On Friday 15th it was 43 marbles. Today (Tuesday 19th) the chick weighs 60 marbles. 

What a good job the children in Willow don't grow that fast...


Here comes exciting! 



Added on by Willow.

After a long writing session, Josh has a rest on the windowsill! 


Getting Ready to Race

Added on by Willow.

Don't forget to check which team you are in for Sports Day on Friday 5th June. Please wear a t-shirt in your team colour. The lists are up on Willow whiteboard and Willow parent notice board.  


Designers and Engineers

Added on by Willow.

In Willow, we have been using small Lego to make vehicles. We are drawing our models and making notes so that we can make the model again. Perhaps we will be able to design our models before we make them next time!


Enjoying the rain!

Added on by Willow.

Splashing in puddles! 


Collecting water from the stream. 


Building continues even in the rain! 


Chestnut: Area and Perimeter

Added on by Andy Howe.

We have been making use of the good weather and tackling our struggles with measuring area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes (rectangles or shapes made from rectangles, like 'L' or 'U') There is also a lot of problem solving because not all of the measurements are provided.

I loved May's explanation that area was like 'if you had a garden, then area would be how much land I have'. Following that link then perimeter could be the fence or wall around the land.



Lights, camera, action!

Added on by Andrea Alway.

Our stop-frame animation skills are coming on a treat! You can see the results of our hard work in our class assembly next Wednesday (20th May). 


Story Making

Added on by Willow.

These girls are making their own version of The Little Red Hen. They are changing the characters on a story map. There is even an octopus in one of the stories now! 
