NSPCC Number Day - 1st February 2019

Added on by School Administrator.

We are delighted to be supporting the NSPCC by taking part in their Number Day on Friday 1 February 2019.

On Friday 1 February we will be using fun curriculum-based maths challenges designed by the NSPCC, Oxford University Press and Maths on Toast. To help raise money for the NSPCC, we are asking pupils to collect sponsorship / donations using the sponsor form which will be e-mailed separately. As well as this, we will also be taking part in Dress up for Digits, and pupils will be invited to wear an item of clothing with a number on it (football shirt, cap, netball shirt or even a onesie!). To help raise money for the NSPCC, we are asking for a suggested donation of £1, and we’d love everyone in the school to take part in this special event.

For full details please click here

For the Sponsorship Form, please click here