
Online Safety

Added on by School Administrator.

At Neston school we are committed to keeping our young people safe online. We teach online safety as part of our computing curriculum and support our children to learn how to stay safe from different risks online and where they can go to get help and advice. 

This week we have attached a parent guide to Whatsapp produced by National Online Safety. WhatsApp is the world’s most popular messaging service, with around two billion users exchanging texts, photos, videos and documents, as well as making voice and video calls. In the guide, you'll find tips on a number of potential risks such as scams, strangers and location sharing.

Click here to view the WhatsApp Parent Guide

We want all the children at Neston school to feel confident that they can stay safe online. If you need any further support with issues relating to online safety then please speak to a member of staff. You can also check out our online safety page on the school website which contains up to date information and links to further online safety resources.