Talking Head.

Added on by Pam Evans.

Dear Parents,

It has been great to be back in school these past couple weeks. All the children have been talking about their Christmases and I do hope that you had relaxing and enjoyable family time together.  

So what’s going on? Well, children are embracing the new topics with real gusto and excitement. We have recently purchased First News which is an age appropriate newspaper. Children are clamouring to read it but it is also an invaluable Guided Reading resource.  A big thank you to FONS for funding it for us.

The evening Parent Workshop led by Dr Linda Mallory was well received and as a result, we will be running more in the future. We have changed the timings of these to suit working parents and this has enabled more parents to attend.

Finally, we are all back into the swing of things and looking forward to exciting learning in the term ahead.

With very best wishes

Pam Evans