Parent Workshop

Added on by Pam Evans.

Following on from the success of our last workshop run by Linda Mallory Education Psychologist, we managed to secure 6 more dates.  We hope you find it helpful.  You can drop in to any session you feel might be useful and don't have to attend all six.

Healthy and Happy children parent cafe

Do you want the best for your child?

Would you like the opportunity to share your thoughts about parenting with a group of like minded supportive parents?

Do you want more information to make more informed choices about what to say and do with your child?

When I listen to parents as a psychologist and a parent coach, there are common themes that consistently come up in discussion. Common challenges that parents raise are:

* Making the most of the time with our children and giving each child the time they need

* Developing the self esteem of our children

* Getting our children to listen to us

* Helping our children with their social relationships

* Feeling guilty, confused and overwhelmed

Give yourself permission to take some time out to reflect on parenting with a fabulous group of parents.    

Please feel free to drop in for Tea and Coffee and meet up with other parents in a friendly supportive environment. The session will be facilitated by myself Dr Linda Mallory an Educational Psychologist, parent coach and mother of two boys.

Here are some topics which parents from the school felt it was useful to explore.


13.11.13      How to balance independence and control.

20.11.13      How to deal with anger and other big emotions.

27.11.13      How to manage confidence and self esteem.

4.12.13        How to handle transition and change.

11.12.13      How to help develop friendships.

18.12.13     How to help listening.

The sessions are 2-3 pm each Wednesday before pick up.

If there is another topic that you would like to be covered then please let me know.

Each session will spend some time on the topic of the week and then some opportunities to informally chat about ideas and parenting strategies, which arise from the discussion.

This is an opportunity to meet up with a supportive group of parents and discuss thoughts and issues around the joys and challenges of family life. I am really looking forward to sharing your parenting journey.

Warm wishes

Dr Linda Mallory