Added on by School Administrator.

We are looking to recruit an MDSA to join our friendly and valued team to help supervise the children during lunchtimes. Please click here to see the full advert

Aquathon Runners-Up

Added on by Andy Howe.

Congratulations to four of our year 6 pupils who finished runners-up in the Corsham Regional Schools Aquathon, in which they had to swim AND run! Another Neston sporting success - well done! 


Talking Head

Added on by Pam Evans.

Dear Parents

As you are all aware, reading is at the heart of children’s success in school and we want children to read regularly and as widely as possible. Our library is constantly being stocked with a wide range of reading material suitable for all ages and abilities; please come in and take a look.

During our TD day, we received some training from the renowned author and government advisor Jean Gross who gave us some very useful guidance on supporting children with their reading.

As a team, we are working very hard to support children with phonics, decoding (reading individual words) and with inference and deduction.  This skill enables children to read between the lines and answer more complex questions about a text.  We need to ensure that the children can decode and understand what they have read, before we move them on to more complex texts.  I’ll give you an example of what it is like to decode. 

Corandric is an emurient grof with many fibs; it granks with corite, an olg which cargs like lange.

Question 1.  What is corandric?

Question 2.  What does corandric grank with?

You will probably find that you can read it and answer the simple questions (decode) but if you were to be asked more complex questions which tested how well you can read between the lines and fully understand what you have read, you may struggle!    

Ms Patrick, who leads English at Neston, is working with the team to develop some questions which support children’s decoding skills and their deeper understanding of texts.  You can use these at home and we aim to publish these very soon.

Happy reading!

With warmest wishes

Pam Evans

Head Teacher