Talking Head.

Added on by Pam Evans.

Dear Parents,

It has been great to be back in school these past couple weeks. All the children have been talking about their Christmases and I do hope that you had relaxing and enjoyable family time together.  

So what’s going on? Well, children are embracing the new topics with real gusto and excitement. We have recently purchased First News which is an age appropriate newspaper. Children are clamouring to read it but it is also an invaluable Guided Reading resource.  A big thank you to FONS for funding it for us.

The evening Parent Workshop led by Dr Linda Mallory was well received and as a result, we will be running more in the future. We have changed the timings of these to suit working parents and this has enabled more parents to attend.

Finally, we are all back into the swing of things and looking forward to exciting learning in the term ahead.

With very best wishes

Pam Evans

Cake Sale Dates*

Added on by School Administrator.

All dates are Wednesdays

(*subject to change)

20th January - Oak

27th January - Silver Birch

3rd February - Willow

10th February - Hazel

2nd March - Chestnut

16th March - Maple

23rd March - Beech

20th April - Oak

27th April - Silver Birch

4th May - Willow

18th May - Hazel

25th May - Chestnut

15th June - Maple

29th June - Beech

NEW E-Safety Newsletter for Parents (Begins with Issue 11 - Dec 2015)

Added on by Andy Howe.

In an effort to improve the provision of e-safety for our pupils, it is paramount that we improve our understanding as adults and carers. We have signed up to receive these very informative newsletters for both parents and teachers, and they will be posted here in the 'Our News' blog section when they become available. They will also appear on our new e-Safety page where you will find more links to great websites offering helpful advice.

They have been written by Alan Mackenzie, a former e-safety lead on Lincolnshire County Council and current CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection) Ambassador, whose vast experience includes working with a wide range of people including schools, police, companies and charities. His website can be found at

Issue 11 (December 2015) includes the following topics:

  • Content within games
  • Screen time for children
  • What is social networking?

Mr Howe, Computing Subject Leader

Welcome Back

Added on by Andy Howe.

2016 at Neston begins with a 'Journey of Discovery' and each of the classes will be learning about this concept in different ways throughout the Spring Term.

Willow class will start with transport and will see where their child-led learning will take them in the next few weeks. Plenty of 'Aarrrgghhh' may be heard down the corridor, as the pirates of Oak class will be exploring and discovering things above the sea - they have even already made maps! Similarly, Silver Birch will be delving deep under the sea and they have a very exciting trip with Oak class on the horizon.

Out of the sea, and hopefully not flying too close to the sun, Hazel and Chestnut will read lots of Greek Myths and will be learning about the importance of Greek discoveries and how they still influence us today. Also, Hazel class will be swimming this term and Chestnut have their assembly to share their learning.

Maple and Beech will be taking on their own Greek myth, in the form of the epic Odyssey. They will also be learning about David Livingstone, the Scottish missionary who explored Africa and this will link into learning about rivers.


(Written by Mr Howe)

Reading Festival Photo Galleries

Added on by Andy Howe.

Head over to the Library page to browse through Mr Howe's photos from the Big Read assembly - every pupil from Year 1 through to Year 6 reading in the hall for 20 minutes. Some were led down, some were sat huddled and most were off in their own little literary world.

On Friday, a huge amount of people arrived before school to enjoy the popular Books and Bacon event. Mrs Pillinger has captured the enthusiastic atmosphere perfectly with photos from an enjoyable morning.

A big thanks to Mrs Stansfield, one of our Teaching Assistants, who co-ordinates the whole Reading Festival and is helping to spread the love of books through Neston.

Don't forget that the Book Fair is still open and for every book you buy, we get money to spend on new books for our own library.

Reading Army Record Breakers

Added on by Andy Howe.

As part of Neston's own Festival of Reading, the brilliant group of volunteers listened to an incredible 106 children read during the afternoon! That is around double the regular amount of children who share their reading with an adult every Thursday throughout the term.

The school would like to thank Mrs James, who co-ordinates the Reading Army, all the regular adults and those who were able to join in today too. Without you we couldn't have made today possible and with your continued support we can all work towards nurturing a lasting love of reading.

Café Neston

Added on by Andy Howe.

Café Neston has been running now for 5 years and was set up by a group of mums who felt Neston needed a friendly place to have a chat and a coffee. All profits made go back into community projects - the latest donation being the purchase of the fantastic `Witches Hat' at the Neston Rec.

Due to changing circumstances we are in need of new helpers to help run the café.

We open on a Friday morning 9-12 in term time in the upper rooms of Neston Church.

If you feel you would like to offer some time or would like to know more please reply via email to the school office on: and they will forward any interest on.

Many thanks

Café Neston Team

Phil the Bag 2015

Added on by Andy Howe.

‘Phil’ the Bag ™ is back!

Two years we signed up to an innovative fundraising programme called ‘Phil the Bag’, which recycles your old and unwanted clothing and turns it into cash for the school.

‘Phil the Bag’ not only develops the children’s sense of enterprise but also teaches them about the importance of recycling and how we can protect the environment.

Did you know that textiles make up 12% of landfill sites?

This fundraising initiative also allows us to raise funds – the more clothing we collect – adult and children’s clothing, shoes, handbags, belts, hats, curtains, towels and bedding - the more money we will receive in exchange for these products.

You can support our ‘Phil the Bag’ fundraising programme by donating your unwanted textiles and bringing them into school on our ‘Phil the Bag’ Recycle Day, Tuesday 10th November 2015. We will provide the official bags closer to the time but items can be donated in any tied bin bag. The collection area for the bags will be the glazed link.

So if you normally throw out your unwanted clothes, or have bits and pieces gathering dust in the wardrobe, please sort them out and use them to ‘Phil the Bag’! Don’t forget to ask grandparents, friends and neighbours to have a good clear out too! (Items are accepted in any condition, as those items that cannot be reused are recycled).

Last time we raised £195 which was used for various resources across the school. Any future funds that we raise can be used for further resources and equipment.

We look forward to receiving your support for this fantastic fundraising initiative.

Yours sincerely

Ms Fallon