Former pupil shares scientific expedition with our year 6 children

Added on by Pam Evans.

Former pupil, Lauren Crookall-Fallon, came in to talk to the Y6s on Tuesday about her scientific expedition to Oman, with the British Exploring Society.

The children heard about real scientific data collection and application, as well the challenges of living and working in the desert and mountainous regions. The children asked thoughtful questions and had the opportunity to think about their own ambitions. 

lauren pic 2.jpg

Back by popular demand ...

Added on by Pam Evans.

Dr Linda Mallory's parent workshops start tomorrow, 30th April, at 2pm in the school hall.  All are welcome to these very popular school provided sessions.  For more information on Linda's work and her new book, why not visit her website

Minotaur - Review

Added on by Chestnut.

Watch the children of Key Stage 2, interviewed by pupils from Beech and Maple, reviewing our recent trip to the Old Vic Theatre in Bristol to watch a production of The Minotaur

In this blog post, via the Old Vic website, writer Adam Peck explains his thought process behind the production

Scarlet Fever advice - please read carefully

Added on by School Administrator.

You may be aware from the media, that Scarlet Fever cases are running at higher than average this Spring. We now have two probable cases in school and are therefore making the attached information sheet available to you, please click here.

There is no cause for alarm but, as it is contagious and may require antibiotics, if you or your child has any symptoms, please consult your doctor.

Happy 100th birthday to Mr Poulsom, a former pupil of Neston Primary School

Added on by Pam Evans.

Here is a photograph of Mr Poulsom with his birthday card made by all the children at Neston Primary school.  Happy 100th birthday Mr Poulsom.

To Everyone at Neston Primary SchoolThis is to say a huge THANK YOU  to you all for the wonderful Birthday card you sent me for my 100th Birthday.  I was very happy to receive your lovely big red card, decorated with the colourfu…

To Everyone at Neston Primary School

This is to say a huge THANK YOU  to you all for the wonderful Birthday card you sent me for my 100th Birthday.  I was very happy to receive your lovely big red card, decorated with the colourful balloons and stars and the big yellow 100 star that moved!  I thought it was very kind of you and very thoughtful to make such a special card to send to me.

I have many memories of my school days at Neston Primary School which my daughter will write up for me and send to you! One of them was, if we were late for school we were made to stay in! 

I hope you like the photo showing me on my 100th Birthday with your card.  I also thought you would like to see a photo of the card the Queen sent to me and what was written inside!

Thank you again for your lovely birthday card and best wishes on my special 100th Birthday.

With all good wishes to you all

Mr Christopher Poulsom


Buddhist monk visits Neston School.

Added on by Pam Evans.

 We were delighted to welcome the Rev Olwen from Throssel Hole Priory Northumberland who shared her beliefs and gave an insight into the life of a Buddhist monk.

Science Day

Added on by Pam Evans.

A  big thank you to all those who helped to make our science day such  a rip-roaring success and go off with a bang! :)

What a team!

Added on by Pam Evans.

A big thank you to Tia and Holly for organising such a fun event in aid of Sport Relief.  Together, we raised £89.00 which is a fabulous amount  Well done to all involved.

Strike Action Update

Added on by Pam Evans.

As it stands, Maple and Beech class will be closed on 26/3/14 owing to NUT strike action.  

Please click here for our letter providing more details.


Added on by Betsy Huggins.

As you are aware we received an Ofsted inspection last week on 6th and 7th March.

Thank you for all your kind words of support and for completing Parent View during the inspection.

There is now a process of moderation and we will inform you of the outcome within the next few weeks.  Our children were amazing and did us all proud.  A big thank you to all our governors, staff and volunteers for their continuing hard work and dedication.

Pam Evans