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NEW E-Safety Newsletter for Parents (Begins with Issue 11 - Dec 2015)

Added on by Andy Howe.

In an effort to improve the provision of e-safety for our pupils, it is paramount that we improve our understanding as adults and carers. We have signed up to receive these very informative newsletters for both parents and teachers, and they will be posted here in the 'Our News' blog section when they become available. They will also appear on our new e-Safety page where you will find more links to great websites offering helpful advice.

They have been written by Alan Mackenzie, a former e-safety lead on Lincolnshire County Council and current CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection) Ambassador, whose vast experience includes working with a wide range of people including schools, police, companies and charities. His website can be found at

Issue 11 (December 2015) includes the following topics:

  • Content within games
  • Screen time for children
  • What is social networking?

Mr Howe, Computing Subject Leader