Filtering by Category: School Games

Quadkids achieve gold and silver ESAA awards at Wiltshire Swindon School Games

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Our Quadkids A team did themselves proud at the Wiltshire Swindon School Games at Marlborough College on 5.07.17. With the combined points of the 4 events (75m, standing long jump, Vortex ball throw and 600m) Finn, Sam, Martha, Gina-Mae, May, Lenny and Tom all achieved a silver ESAA award, while Zoe, Lauren and Ben all achieved a gold award. The following athletes were within the top 20 of all competitors in the following events: Finn in the 600m (10th); Ben in the throw (16th); Lauren in the sprint (18th), Martha in the throw (18th) and Zoe in the jump (5th), the throw (10th) and the 600m (12th). Zoe was our highest placed athlete, coming 7th in overall points out of all 73 girls! Full results can be found at

The photos below (click on each to see the next) were taken at the Level 2 qualifying event (yellow Neston team tops) and at the Level 3 WSSG (green tops). Many thanks to Rod and Penney Ellis for these images!


Neston Quadkids A Team Qualifies for Wiltshire and Swindon School Games!

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Congratulations to all of our Team A and B athletes who took part in a Quadkids Level 2 event at Bath University track on 26.06.17. They all participated in a 75m sprint, a 600m middle distance run, a Vortex ball throw, a standing long jump and an 8 x 50m relay. There were many pbs but special mentions goes to Zoe Stansfield-Cox who was the highest scoring girl overall and there were 21 teams taking part!!! The B team is looking forward to taking part again next year while the A team are now gearing up to compete at Marlborough College on 5.07.17.

Neston School Games Day Wins against the Weather!

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Well done to all of the Neston Team - children, staff and parents, for all participating in making our 2017 School Games Day a brilliant success, despite the occasional downpours. Everyone enjoyed themselves and tried their best. This year it was the Blue Team who gained the most points - congratulations! Our top Y3/4 middle distance runners were: Billy (1st back in the long run), Tim (2nd), James P (3rd) and James F (4th). Our fastest Y5/6 runners were: Finn (1st), Ben (2nd), Zoe S-C (3rd) and Izzy R (4th).


Blue Team Come First in National Cricket Day Tournament!

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All of the children in KS2 enjoyed our annual intra-school cricket competition on the beautiful, sunny morning of Thursday 18.05.17. Again, members of our School Games Crew were brilliant at sorting and organising our teams and supporting the younger children. All of the matches were incredibly exciting and close - with only a few runs between each. It was hard for the adults to choose who demonstrated the best team spirit but in the end it was decided that the Yellow Team were the most deserving of the fair play commendation! Well done everyone!

Neston Lacrosse team come second at festival!

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Well done to our Y5/6 lacrosse team for playing in 5 exciting matches against other schools in our cluster. We won 2, drew 2, lost one and ended up tied with our hosts, Colerne, for second place. Martha was our top goal scorer with 5 goals and Milo scored 4! Everyone demonstrated super sportspersonship, with Lenny being particularly outstanding in this respect!

Six novices try out orienteering!

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6 Y5 and 6 Neston girls had an exciting introduction to the sport of orienteering last week at Corsham School. They took part in an activity session led by Ken Stimson of North Wiltshire Orienteers and it's hoped that they can put what they learned about map reading at speed into practise at a future competition. Well done Imogen, Isabelle, Zoe, Evie, Izzy and Isabel!

Red Team triumphant in KS2 tag rugby competition!

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Congratulations to all of the children who took part in our 2nd annual intra-KS2 tag rugby competition! A huge thank you our School Games Crew, who had organised the event, making sure that everyone was involved and having fun. Our more experienced crew also helped the lower KS2 staff by refereeing and being linesmen. Though the Red Team were the ultimate victors this year, everyone improved their skills by playing competitively. Well done also to the lower KS2 Green Team for standing out amongst many examples of excellent sportspersonship and taking the fair play honours.

Neston tag rugby team win silver at Level 2 competition!

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Hearty congratulations to the Y5/6 tag rugby team who competed against the other schools in our cluster in a tournament that took place after school on the 16th and 23rd of March. We had a mix of newcomers to the sport and some club players who all came together as a team. Special mention to Sam Jones for making an extra effort to give less experienced players as many opportunities as possible to improve their game. Well done too to co-captains Ned and Tom who organised the team and included themselves in the subs rota. You all did Neston proud with your sportspersonship and efforts to play your best.

Neston Hockey team comes 3rd at Level 2 play offs in Devizes!

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Here's what their coach, Mrs Stansfield had to say: We played 4 games with Lauren scoring both of our goals and came second in our group. We then played off for third place against St Marys and drew 0-0, which put us in joint 3rd overall. The children really pulled together as a team and showed huge amounts of resilience and determination - especially in the match against Christian Malford when they came back from 1-0 down.  They also encouraged and supported each other throughout the tournament.  Real Neston Promise stuff! Ben and Kate each played 2 games in goal and Martha played one in goal. I was very proud of the whole team! 

A huge well done to the team and their committed coach!

Magnificent Neston Hockey Team win Level 2 cluster festival!

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A super well done to our Y5/6 hockey team whose dedication in training over the past few weeks with Mrs Stansfield has done them all proud. They're the first Neston hockey team to win our cluster event since 2011! A big thank you to skillful Mrs Stansfield who will continue to coach the team in preparation for the Level 3 event that they've now qualified for. The team is a mix of experienced players who play for Corsham and absolute newcomers to the sport. We are all especially pleased that, just like last year, some of the newcomers to our school team have caught the hockey bug and are now looking into joining the Corsham hockey club too.

Fair play trophy for Neston football team!

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Congratulations to co-captains Kate and Ben and their super squad of Zoe, Isabelle, James, Lily, Lenny, Tom, Leo, Ned, Will and Evie for taking part with terrific team spirit in the Level 3 matches at Corsham School.

More School Games action for Neston - this time netball!

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The Y5/6 netball squad took part in 5 Level 2 matches over two afternoons at Corsham Comp (which were officiated by two 6th formers who played for Neston when they were in Year 6!). Martha and Rosie took on the role of captain along with the decisions of who would play in which position. They and the squad (Zoe, Katherine, Kate, Ellen, Ben, Barney and Finn) got stronger and stronger as the tournament progressed. They worked on their passing and marking and won 3 games out of the 5. Special mention goes to our goal scorers Zoe and Ben for their composure and to Martha who was one of the 3 pupils out of all the schools taking part to be commended by Mrs Long (the SGO) for her defensive skills! 

Neston Girls Cricket team comes second in competition!

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Our girls team, ably managed by Captains Katherine and Kate, took part in a tournament on 3.10.16. We achieved the main aims of the event which were to have fun and to increase our cricketing skills and it was the icing on the cake to come second - only missing out on first place by 5 points (one out). We're looking forward to more competition in Terms 5 and 6!

A fantastic first event of our School Games calendar

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Well done to our Year 5/6 mixed-cricket team for competing in our first inter-school event for this year! It was wonderful to see some of our more seasoned cricketers building their team work and leadership skills by supporting and guiding those with less cricket experience. Our most valuable players were Lauren, who had two brilliant catches; Ellie, who got players out with both her bowling and her fielding and Ned, who ran players out. Our most improved player was Niamh, who put into practise what she's learned at school with some strong batting and accurate bowling. She gained in confidence so much throughout the tournament that she was asking to be wicket keeper by the last match and did a great job of it! Three cheers also for Captains Will and Taylon, Leo, Lenny, Isabel and Chloe who did Neston proud with their positive attitudes and hard work!