Filtering by Category: Oak


Added on by School Administrator.

Dear Parents

In line with updated weather situation and latest guidance from Wiltshire Local Authority, I am sad to announce that Neston Primary School will be CLOSED tomorrow.

The weather warning remains at AMBER meaning that there is a significant risk of disruption and damage to buildings from gusts of wind up to 90mph. The worst of the conditions are expected to be between 0700-1200 which is when staff and pupils will be travelling to school.

We have considered all of the following factors as detailed by the Local Authority:

  • There will be major disruption across the transport network. School transport providers cannot guarantee services at this moment. Public transport will be affected and staff may have difficulty in travelling to work.

  • Difficulty for parents and pupils to get to the school site safely

  • Difficulty for staff to get to the school site safely

  • Mobile accommodation must not be used

  • The pressure upon remaining accommodation including COVID mitigation

  • The potential for falling masonry or roof tiles

  • Proximity and size of trees that may fall or drop boughs

  • Damage to overhead power cables and other utilities

  • Scaffolding or other temporary structures on-site or on adjacent properties

  • Potential for flying debris from the school grounds or neighbouring properties

  • Alternative food provision if school meals delivery is affected

  • The need for contingency plans in case of changing circumstances throughout the day

With all this in mind and our primary focus to keep the children safe, we feel this is a difficult decision but an unavoidable one.

Our fantastic teachers will be posting some online learning for the children to sample. These will be via our online learning platforms Tapestry and Seesaw. Children in Oak Class (where the teachers are poorly) can access some learning via Oak Academy website 

Please stay safe and have a wonderful half term break.

Warmest wishes

Pam Evans
